Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

AJT Dance is fully committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all children and young people.

We recognise our responsibility to protect children from harm and exploitation, to prevent injury or impairment to health or development, by ensuring that children are provided with a safe and supportive environment.  AJT Dance also acknowledges its duty to respond appropriately to any allegations or suspicions of abuse.

Member of staff and volunteers are committed to working together to respect the rights of children and young people, and we strive to develop an ethos which embraces diversity and difference in accordance with the duty of care requirements provided for in the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, the Children (Performances and Activities) England Regulations 2014, the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013 and Working Together 2018.

AJT Dance believe that:

  • The welfare of every child is of paramount importance
  • We have a responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children we teach and ensure that appropriate measures are put in place to provide a safe teaching environment
  • Every child has the right to protection from abuse or harm, regardless of gender, age, religion, religious belief, race, disability, sexual orientation or identity
  • Support should be provided to all of those at AJT Dance on how to respond appropriately and swiftly to any issues identified or raised
  • To promote a young person’s welfare, we need to work in partnership with children, young people, their parents/carers and other organisations

AJT Dance will seek to safeguard children and young people by:

  • Putting the welfare of each child first, treating them equally, valuing them, listening to them and respecting them
  • Working with venue hirers to provide clean, safe and secure environments
  • Allowing children to develop without fear or criticism, at their own pace and by giving only constructive feedback in an positive manner
  • Holding a register of every child in the school in all classes, including emergency contact names and telephone numbers
  • Staying up to date with any legislation and policy changes relating to the protection and safety of children.
  • Recruiting staff/volunteers in a safe manner, ensuring all necessary checks are made and that they can be relied upon and are positive role models
  • Ensuring that all staff/volunteers have access to information, support and training to assist them in preventing harm
  • Sharing information about child protection and safe working practices with children, parents/carers, staff and volunteers
  • Where appropriate sharing information with appropriate outside agencies
  • Working together with children, parents/carers, staff/volunteers and appropriate agencies to prevent all kind of harm,  including physical, emotion or sexual abuse and neglect
  • Taking action to stop any abusive verbal or physical behaviour

This policy was last updated on the 22nd April 2024, and will be reviewed annually or sooner in light of any legislation changes or changes in guidance.